
Reclaim A Generation | 21 Days of Back-to-School Prayer

August 1-21, 2024
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Parents and believerstoday are deeply concerned about what we see happening in schools around ournation. Clearly, Satan has declared war on children and youth, and schools area prime target of his. But there is something we do. Pray!

BridgeBuilders and our partners Prayer Connect magazine and the Church Prayer Leaders Network invite you to set aside 21 days at the start of this new school year to pray specifically for the school or university that’s on your heart. It may be the school you attended, your child’s or grandchild’s school, or one in your neighborhood.

Just imagine the impact this will have as you join thousands of parents, grandparents, teachers, and students across the nation in prayer walking and prayer-driving schools from kindergartens to colleges and universities.

Everything you need to get started is right here: prayer guides, tips for prayer walking, and ways your family, church, or small group can get involved. Of course, you also can pray right from your own home.

Click here for more information and resources.